23 Mayıs 2018 Çarşamba


According to Islam, if we want to learn the truth about an issue, we have to refer to the Quran. According to Islam, Allah told that He will protect only the Quran and stated everything He wanted from people at the same time.

The Word of your Lord is perfect in truth and justice. None is there to change His words. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surah Al-Anaam, 6/115)

Any provision except the ones from the Quran is invalid. To refer a source other than the Quran and make a judgement about an issue which is addressed clearly in the Quran will be an un-Islamic attitude. According to Quran, the punishment for adultery is to birch one hundred times.

 Thus, to fabricate a judgment about adultery is to wage war against the Quran. Recm is a mushrik tradition. Mushriks are a woman-hater community that buries their daughters alive before Islam, declares themselves to have utmost taqwa and exploit religion. Mushriks, who were annoyed with the abolition of the most of their traditions by the Prophet after Islam, fabricate rumours that our Prophet implemented recm since they could not change the Quran; they even exaggerated enough to say that the verses about recm were eaten by a goat despite the verses which tell that the Quran cannot be changed. It is clear that Allah who created magnificent landscapes, peacocks, and cuteness of a cat will not order psyhopathic punishment like recm.
 If someone says “People who are against communism are slayed”, Communists will say “Nothing like this is written in Das Kapital.” If a Muslim says “But Stalin killed people with opposing views” as an answer, I am sure that Communists say “That is Stalin’s interpretation; it does not bind Das Kapital”. The same thing applies to Recm. Recm is not stated in the Quran and those who implement this are a psychopath. It does not bind Islam. Moreover, Recm is implemented in various religion and culture which are very different from each other not in Islamic states contrary to common belief. And this is the proof that it has nothing to do with Islam and is related to bigoted and zealot system. Shortly, recm is a mushrik tradition and has nothing to do with Islam.
 According to Islam, if we want to learn the truth about an issue, we have to refer to the Quran. According to Islam, Allah told that He will protect only the Quran and stated everything He wanted from people at the same time.

The word of the Lord is complete in terms of trueness and justice. None is there to change His words. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surah Al-Anaam, 6/115)

Any provision except the ones from the Quran is invalid. To refer a source other than the Quran and make a judgement about an issue which is addressed clearly in the Quran will be an un-Islamic attitude. According to Quran, the punishment for adultery is to birch one hundred times. Besides, there has to be 4 witnesses. (Surah Al-Noor, 24/2)
 Thus, to fabricate a judgement about adultery is to wage war against the Quran. Recm is a mushrik tradition. Mushriks are a woman-hater community that buries their daughters alive before Islam, declares themselves to have utmost taqwa and exploit religion. Mushriks who were annoyed with the abolition of the most of their traditions by the Prophet after Islam, invented rumours that our Prophet implemented recm since they could not change the Quran, they even exaggerated enough to say that the verses about recm were eaten by a goat despite the verses which tell that the Quran cannot be changed. It is clear that Allah who created magnificent landscapes, peacocks, and cuteness of a cat will not order psyhopathic punishment like recm.
 If someone says “People who are against communism are slayed”, Communists will say “Nothing like this is written in Das Kapital.” If a Muslim says “But Stalin killed people with opposing views” as an answer, I am sure that Communists say “That is Stalin’s interpretation; it does not bind Das Kapital”. The same thing applies to Recm. Recm is not stated in the Quran and those who implement this are a psychopath. It does not bind Islam. Moreover, Recm is implemented in various religion and culture which are very different from each other not in Islamic states contrary to common belief. And this is the proof that it has nothing to do with Islam and is related to bigoted and zealot system.

Verses about RECM which is described as verse that is not stated in the Quran but Judgement is permanent are great aspersions casted upon Allah and His Messenger. Allah’s judgements are in the Quran. Judgements that are not in the Quran are not Islamic. Allah the All Mighty gives sorrowful punishment to those who fabricated this.
 Who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His signs? Beware, the unjust shall not prosper. (Surah Al-Anaam 21)



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