23 Mayıs 2018 Çarşamba



In Quran, Allah states that there is no discrimination between man and woman in righteousness. Allah gives equal responsibilities to both women and men in righteousness, spreading good morality, and ideological struggle in favour of the religion. According to Quran, men and women are equal in terms of responsibilities; however women are in a superior position because men should take good care of them and show great respect towards them. Some bigoted Muslims and anti-İslamic people have always tried to interpret some verses against women but, in fact, Allah Almighty expresses the importance and the value of women in these verses.

Women are referred as a delicate plant/flower (nebâten) in Quran. This definition is for Mary (pbuh)and it is the clear proof of women’s regard:
“Right graciously did Allah accept her: Allah made her grow in purity and beauty” (3/37)

Taking care of plant deserves a sensitive approach. A good plant is delicate and valuable so it requires a good care. Besides it represents beauty and purity. It is a fact that Allah Almighty created flowers and plants as symbols of beauty and admirable blessings. The women also presentbeauty and aesthetic. Association of women and plants in Quran describes the actual place of women in Islam



The interpretations made based upon sources out of Quran make people think that Quran gives permission to beat women but is it so in fact? Let us check the relevant Verse.

The men are obliged to observe women because Allah gave both of them different gifts and features and the man is responsible of maintaining a living.

Virtuous womenobey Allah’s laws and they protect their honor and chastity as per Allah’s order even if they are alone. Advice those women you are concerned about their honor and purity, separate your beds, get them out at last. But if they listen to you and surrender do not look for other ways against them… (NisaSurah, 34)

 The meaning of this verse has been distorted in four points during the corruption period when the male despotism was dominant.


The term “erricalükavvamunealennisai” in the verse has been interpreted almost in all interpretations as the man dominates the woman although it has to be interpreted as ‘’men observe women’’ or ‘’men are responsible of women’s living’’.

All of the interpreters have agreed upon translating the word ‘’kavvam’’ as ‘’administrator, ruler’’. But heaven knows why they translated the same word in 4-135 and 5-8 as the person who observes, completely fulfills, and keeps alive.

 SECOND MISTAKE: The meaning of the term “feddelellahubadehumalabadin” in Nisa 34 is “We gave both of them different gifts and features. But it is translated in most interpretations as “Allah made some of them (men) superior to others (women).”

The interpretation stated in the parenthesis and that does not exist in Quran is a result of the hadith books that reflect the pagan medieval age Arab culture. If the Verse had aimed to mean “Allah made men superior to women” it should have written as follows; faddalellahurricaealennisai.

When you refer the pronoun ‘’hum’’ in the word ‘’badehum’’ (some of them) mentioned in the Verse just to the men, the meaning becomes as follows: Allah made some of the men superior to others. This meaning does not comply with the text of the Verse.

When you refer the pronoun Hum to a group that consists of men and women, the meaning becomes as follows: Allah made some of the men and women superior to others.

 Same words are mentioned in 4-32 and 13-4. But heaven knows why, they translate them as we made some of you superior to others. The meaning of the verse is ‘’Allah gave each of them different gifts and features’’. There is no sexual discrimination.

THIRD MISTAKE: The word “idribuhunne” in Nisa 34 has been translated in all Turkish translations except some of them as “beat those women, hit them slightly”.

In 30-21, it says “He has created partners for you from your kind and established love and mercy between you so that you can find peace.”So the aim of marriage is peace based on love and mercy. Finding this peace when the man beats the woman is controversial.

The root of the word “idribuhunne” which is translated as ‘’beat them’’ is the verb ‘’DaRaBa’’. If you check it in any Arabic dictionary, you will find tens of meanings for this word. This is a rich word in Arabic that has many meanings.

 Verses in which it is used in the meaning of travelling: 2-273, 3-156, 4-101
Verses in which it is used in the meaning of hitting: 8-50, 47-27
Verses in which it is used in the meaning of executing: 43-58, 47-27
Verses in which it is used in the meaning of giving example: 14-24/45, 16-75/76, 16-112, 18-32/45
Exclude: 43-5,
Convicted: 2-61,
Be concealed, hit: 18-11,
Explain: 13-17

As you see this word has been used in many meanings in Quran. It also has meanings that have not been mentioned in Quran. For instance in Arabic the verb ‘’DaRaBa’’ is used for printing money. The word Darphane refers to this meaning.

In Turkish the verb ‘’Calmak’’ has different meanings. For instance when you use it for radio, it may mean playing the radios as well as stealing it. The verb DaRaBa in Arabic also has the same feature. The word ‘’idrib’’ in the Verse means ‘’get out’’ and ‘idribuhunne’’ means ‘’get them out’’, not beat them.

 FOURTH MISTAKE: The word ‘’nushuz’’ in Nisa 34 has been interpreted as ‘’contempt, disobedience’’ almost in all interpretations. However this word means unfaithfulness and bawdry starting from flirting up to adultery.

For instance in 4-128 the same word is used for the unfaithful husband. But it Is not translated as the disobedient husband.

In Nisa 34, the man is told what to do regarding the wife who is unfaithful. It says warn her firstly, then separate your bed, and if she goes on doing it get her out of the house.

It is not a solution to beat the woman who is unfaithful to her man. She is still under the responsibility of the man when you get her out of the house until you get divorced. The man even continues to protect and observe the woman after they get divorced.Those who violate one of the most tolerant verses of Islam and believe in it should think. Would you warn your wife if she betrays you? Would you separate your bed if she goes on doing it? Would you send her to her mother’s house if she still insists on it? I do not think so. You will beat her the moment you learn that she betrays you 

Domestic Violence/wife beating?

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