25 Mayıs 2018 Cuma

Houris, Heavenly Maidens

Muslim and non-Muslim are the definitions of this world. In the hereafter there are only losers and winners. There is nothing in Islam that says all Muslims have a guaranteed place in Jannah. We hope in the mercy and forgiveness of Allah.

Hur is definition of the companions in the heaven. They can be very well the companions a person had in this life.

Life in Jannah has following three attributes

  1. You get everything that you desire, without exception (our physical and psychological being in the jannah will be different so we cannot really imagine or compare as to what will be desirable for us in the jannah)
  2. No fear (there is no fear of displeasure of Allah, sin, disobedience, death, loss of priviledgesevil talk or negative emotions
  3. No regrets (there will be no guilt or shame)
The above is true for both genders. There is mention of hur in Quran because men tend to be sexually aggressive as proven by the science. This is why it is assured to them that the life of the hereafter is much better so that they don’t pursue sins desiring feminine beauty in this world. It is recommended in sunnah that even as marriage partner a Muslim man should give preference to the woman’s character and piety, not her looks. Our physical beauty decline as we age. This may lead to people to get distracted and frustrated, while Quran assures that the life in the Hereafter is much better and the present life is only a trial for the eternal life in the hereafter.This is mentioned in Quran, and in any religious book that has concept of the hereafter.

And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life]. (93:4)

And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied. (93:5)

Praise be to Allah. The Lord of the Worlds.by anis khan

 In paradise there are many things that you cannot describe, you can’t understand. Allah mentioned in Quran many things about the Paradise, it doesn’t compare with this, and those women there don’t compare with women here. Women there, Allah tells you about them, do not have monthly cycles, they do not eliminate (they do not go to the bathroom). This is not in Paradise, so they are not compared. So, get this mentality straight, get your head straight - don’t compare that to this it’s much better.

The food there is not like the food here, the digestive system there is not like the one here. What you have there is very real and it never breaks, doesn’t go bad, you don’t go to the doctor.

And by the way, men you are going to love this. In the Jannah, two things: there’s no “honey do” list (some of the ladies laughing; they know what I’m talking about). You know what that is? When you get home “Honey would you do this and do that?” that’s “honey do.” So, there’s no “honey do” list and there’s no tool box because you don’t have to fix anything, everything is perfect. So, don’t confuse virgin girls in the paradise with the dancing girls here in a bar somewhere. This is totally different, this is not prostitution.

The women have something even better. Their husband becomes the guy that they wanted him to be here. Can you imagine that?

Sheikh Yusuf Estes

 72? virgins/houris

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Houris, Heavenly Maidens

Muslim and non-Muslim are the definitions of this world. In the hereafter there are only losers and winners. There is nothing in Islam that ...